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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hold Fast, a documentary about anarchy and sailing

Hold Fast, a documentary about anarchy and sailing: "

Via the BB Submitterator, Boing Boing reader cibomahto says,

Ever dream of taking off for the equator, fixing up an old boat, and then sailing it off into the sunset? Well, a few years ago, a group lead by Moxie Marlinspike did just that. Under the banner of the Anarchist Yacht Club, they migrated to Florida, found and restored a boat that they named the Pestilence, then proceeded to sail it around the Bahamas. It's the ultimate adventure, and luckily they captured their experience in the documentary Hold Fast.

More at MAKE online, and you can watch the trailer above or here at Vimeo.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Plushie mutant artwork of Zoe Williams

Plushie mutant artwork of Zoe Williams: "

Zoe Williams's extraordinary textile artworks blend tentacles, felted bunnies, and miscellaneous anatomical bits and pieces to makes something that looks like Hellraiser crossed with the plushie aisle at Toys R Us. I like it. A lot.


(via Geisha Asobi)
